Monday, January 19, 2009

Using Excel to Compute the Equipment Capacity

If you know the sub-products amount required, you can use Excel to compute the equipment capacity required.
The required basic data include: the procedures for each sub-product, the equipment for each procedure and the processing time.
You need to make two sheets in Excel.
sub-product procedure amount equipment time(hours/piece)
A 1 30 E1 0.1
A 2 30 E2 0.1
B 1 40 E1 0.1
B 2 40 E2 0.1
C 1 50 E1 0.1
C 2 50 E2 0.2
equipment time (hours)
E1 12
E2 17
You need to use the “sumif” function in sheet2 to summarize the total time of each equipment.

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