Friday, January 23, 2009

Study the Spirit of Hsuan Tsang

‘The Journey to the West’ is very famous in China, and every Chinese know this story. In the story, Hsuan Tsang(a Buddhist monk in the Tang Dynasty) was protected by 3 students. In real history, Hsuan Tsang went to India to study the Buddhism only himself. I am very moved by real story of Hsuan Tsang.
1, Undergoes all conceivable hardships and do not change his mind
In the year of 628, Hsuan Tsang was 28 and wanted to go to India to study Buddhism. At that time, the government did not allow people to go abroad. Hsuan Tsang experienced many hardships to go abroad. When he walked through the deserts, and once had no water to drink in 4 days. He would rather die than went back. At last, he came to India.
2, Does not want luxury life
In the year of 629, he came to a country, Gaochang. The king believed in Buddhism, and he gave Hsuan Tsang a big welcome. He want the Hsuan Tsang to stay in his country, but Hsuan Tsang insisted to leave and did not eat to reject the request. At last, the king agreed with Hsuan Tsang, and became brother with Hsuan Tsang. The king let Hsuan Tsang leave, and invited him teach 3 years in his country when he came back.
3, Does not want high official
In the year 645, Hsuan Tsang returned the Capital of China, Changan. He got a big welcome from the Chinese government. The emperor invited him to work for government and become a high officer, but Hsuan Tsang refused. He translated the books which he brought back from India and wrote books. These books are very valuable to study Buddhism and history today.

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